My name is Edward F. Hillenaar and I am the founder and CEO of Total Health. Through a walking paths in different directions, I now walk a path on which my knowledge and life experience is used for therapy and counseling in the world of health and to improve the 'quality of life'.

As a serious athlete I always experience what the positive effects of sport and exercise and fitness on my physical and mental well-being has been and still is. Currently, long distance running is my passion and in November 2012 I participated in an ultra-marathon race of 236 km. ("The Ancient Khmer Path ') in Cambodia. The combination of the completion of such a physical performance in a Buddhist country like Cambodia has been an unforgettable experience for me. I’ve learned a lot about myself and my consciousness working and acting in exceptional  circumstances.

Like everyone, I also have to deal with human suffering in all forms. I too fell prey to unwholesome factors in my behavior and attitudes as 'hate', 'greed' and 'ignorance', the three poisons that the mind of man can seriously pollute. The science and knowledge I try to convey is a practical science and a vibrant knowledge that I first try to apply on my own. I learn the hard way by trial and error and therefore I am a teacher as well as a student to my clients. We learn from each other as human beings.

My regular 'scientific' education consists respectively of the Academy of Physical Education in The Hague (HALO), and I studied sports and exercise science at the University of Utrecht (trace, "Sports, Exercise and Health") and clinical-health psychology. Combined with my interest in Eastern Buddhist psychology my knowledge and experience can be used for my mission within my practice of Total Health.

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Totale Gezondheid Psychodiagnostiek

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What is Buddhism?

What is Buddhism ?

Right Karma

Right Buddha