
The unwholesome factors in the psyche and / or the consciousness of man, namely, 'greed', 'hate' and 'ignorance', disturb the 'peace' and 'equanimity'. The flow of different states of consciousness gets into full swing. The resulting stream then converts all kinds of physical processes in motion, whereby activation of different organ systems, including the heart and blood vessels, lungs and muscles, but also the immune system plays a crucial 'sickening' role. Based on scientific research, we already know that mental stress through various ingenious processes in the body over time can cause chronic health problems. Think of heart disease and diabetes.

Eliminate disbalance
Total Health's mission is to eliminate the disbalance through therapy and treatment from an integrated perspective on human health. This means that from both a Buddhist and Western psychological perspective, treatment is given within the practices of Total Health.

Total Health uses cognitive behavioral techniques to change unwholesome factors in beneficial factors. Irrational thoughts and ideas can be transformed into more adequate thoughts about themselves and others, which reduces mental stress and consequently balance is will be restored.

For processing profound experiences and working with traumatic memories, Total Health uses therapeutic techniques such as, "meditation", "mindfulness and also forms of hypnotherapy techniques' and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing).

The relationship between sport, physical activity and health, and the effect of physical fitness on mental and physical well-being is also an important theme in the practices of Total Health to eliminate or reduce imbalance from a more physical perspective.

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Totale Gezondheid Psychodiagnostiek

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